George Harrison’s mother was “disgusted” at fans who screamed through a Beatles gig

George Harrison’s mother was “disgusted” at fans who screamed through a Beatles gig

Mother of The Beatles guitarist George Harrison wrote that she was “disgusted” at fans who screamed throughout one of their gigs in Manchester back in 1963.
Louise Harrison wrote the comment in a letter sent to a young fan named Janet Gray, whom she had regular correspondence with during 1963-1966.

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The letter is one of 25 sent to Gray which are due to be sold at the Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction on Saturday 26 August, as reported by the BBC.
“I was really disgusted at the way the so-called fans just screamed right through the whole of The Beatles act,” wrote Harrison. “Nobody with any sense would pay and queue for a ticket just to stand on a seat and scream and not hear one sound from the stage,” she said.
She also offered words of encouragement to the teenaged fan, writing “I hope you will try and remember that your mum is your best friend, even if you don’t see eye-to-eye on some issues.” She also confessed, “Thank God I get on fine with all my four children and they with each other.”

In other letters, Harrison discussed news about her son, including a crash he survived back in 1964 and other concerns about his wellbeing after seeing him in Surrey later that year: “George was there five days before I came home. He is very thin but OK,” she once said.
Harrison also confessed she felt overwhelmed having to write to so many fans in her correspondence with Gray, where she wrote, “I’m so busy I could scream. 3,000 letters to answer at least. So I’ll say cheerio for now.”
The letters are expected to fetch between £100-£150 each  at the auction later this month, minus one letter which is expected to earn higher as it includes a drawing signed by the guitarist himself. Find out more on the Beatles Auction website.
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