Is the Benji Madden signature guitar gold or green-ish gold?

Is the Benji Madden signature guitar gold or green-ish gold?

I am in the market for one of the Benji madden guitars. I would like to get one that is the same color as his.
But the colors look different in a lot of photos.
I see ones that look completely gold, and others that look like kind of a golden greenish color.
They made black ones and white ones too of course.
My question is, on the golden-ish green ones, are those really more of a green, or are they gold and the photos are just making it look green?

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Name:	Good-Charlotte-Benji-Madden-b-300x300.jpg 
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Click image for larger version. 

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Name:	s-l1600ONYKZP84.jpg 
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Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Good-Charlotte-Benji-Madden-b-300x300.jpg 
Views:	N/A 
Size:	32.4 KB 
ID:	34405

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