Introducing The Dirty Boy Preamp Developed By New Owner Danny Gomez
Dirty Boy, the boutique guitar pedal brand recently acquired by musician and product designer Danny Gomez, introduces the Dirty Boy Preamp.
Based on the classic amplifier designed by Dirty Boy founder, Alex Saraceno for his son Blues Saraceno, the Dirty Boy Preamp has been developed by Danny Gomez and Pablo Díaz de Rada. Its ultra-compact design is hand crafted in Europe and is powered by Gomez’s proprietary T.A.E. technology – Tube Amp Emulation.
The Dirty Boy Preamp is a pedal sized, fully analog amplifier simulator. Like the original amp, the Dirty Boy Preamp has a Variac control which allows voltage levels to be adjusted to produce a completely different palette of sounds. Distortion is controlled by the Gain knob, the Tone offers a wide sweeping tonal range and the Volume gives shape to the sound produced. Connected into the rig line of any guitar or bass players set up, the preamp out can be used as a full preamp to the FX loop return of the amp (or power amp in), or as an impressive tube sounding booster/overdrive to its Input. The emulated output is based on a 4×12 Celestion Greenback cab for a true, multi-dimensional sound.
T.A.E. technology is used on pedalboards and in studios worldwide by some of the world’s finest players and producers. The lightweight Dirty Boy Preamp offers a professional, ‘real’ analog experience alternative to a player’s amplifier or a responsive backup to their regular rig.
The Dirty Boy Preamp offers escape from the ordinary and will have guitarists and bassists craving for more. To find out more and to purchase the Dirty Boy Preamp and other products please go to www.dirtyboy.co/ and www.instagram.com/dirtyboypedals
The post Introducing The Dirty Boy Preamp Developed By New Owner Danny Gomez appeared first on Music Instrument News.
Source: musicinstrumentnews.co.uk