Metronome pedal with MIDI clock

Metronome pedal with MIDI clock

Hi there! I got an idea and wanna share it with you guys, see if it’s on demand.
I always wanted to combine my Ditto x4 with live drummer playing, but, as you might guess, they would inevitably get out of sync. So why couldn’t we sync them through metronome combined with midi clock? There would be phones out to the drummer, midi out to the so they can play together forever!
There should be 3 control pots on it: level, click sound type, and tempo; a litttle display and switch to send click to an amp, to phones or to both.
Using PC on a gig is too complex for this purpose, so little box would be way more comfortable and funny.
Does anybody like the idea? Did anybody think of it before?

P.S. I’d suggest calling it MIDInome, similar to PolyTune

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